The Mafia King talks about Jiang Li

The same evening as Wei stepped into his room, a certain grumpy wife was pouting at him. Wei beamed upon seeing Lihua and immediately hugged her.

"I missed you a lot."

It melted her heart, but then she realized that she had an important question to ask him. She pushed him away, making him purse his lips.

"I want to hug you more," he softly whined.

She smiled. "I will hug you even more than you want to hug me but after answering my question!"

"What question?"

"Why did you bring Jiang Li in between to marry Jiang Lanying two years back? The marriage proposal was for you. I understand that you rejected it, but why did you force him into this?"

He tilted his head.

Lihua said, "I talked to Jiang Lanying today and she told me about her first meeting with him."

She smiled. "I found it really cute and learned that Jiang Lanying actually wished this proposal to her was with Jiang Li, not you. She liked him but Old Madam suggested she become your wife."

Wei nodded. "Yes. I declined."