The only thing I knew

*Knock knock*

No answer.

*Knock knock*

"What the fuck is it!?" Jiang Li coldly lashed out at the annoying person persistently knocking on his room's door.

"Room service."

"I didn't call for one. Get out."

"Sir, apologies. But we got a report of some gas leakage. To ensure safety, we are checking all the rooms for any hazard."

Jiang Li gritted his teeth.

"What the fuck is wrong with your hotel!? Can someone not live in peace for one night!"

"Apologies, Sir. But we really cannot miss any room. It's about everybody's safety in this hotel."

He combed his hair in frustration and opened the door. He saw a young man standing in front of him who slightly jolted. He had a moustache and was dressed in a waiter's uniform. He had messy hair and a few bangs of it slightly covered his forehead and eyes.

"Do it quickly and get the hell out of here."

"Y-Yes, Sir."

The waiter stepped in and slowly shut the door behind him.