The reasons of a father's hatred

"Weizhe and I never had such arguments…" her tone was a little downcast.

"Aish. I thought Dad would definitely want a daughter just like how Wei wants one haha," Lihua smiled.

"He didn't," she whispered inaudibly.

"Ah? I didn't hear you."

She quickly shook her head. "Nothing…"

Lihua was puzzled.

"No problem! Hehe, I will visit you with Wei tomorrow. Then we will have even more things to talk about. Oh and please take my side in front of Wei about the son," she shamelessly asked.

She faintly smiled.

"Wei won't be able to come."

Lihua blinked her eyes. "Why not?"

She was a bit awkward. "He isn't allowed here."

"Aish, Mom. If you mean that Old Madam would forbid him from coming here, then don't worry. I will work it out somehow haha. Wei is your son. Of course, he will come to meet you."

There was a pause of silence.

She lowered her head and clasped her hands together. "I don't mean Old Madam...I mean that Weizhe has forbidden him from coming here."