The Mafia King wants to know about Lihua

As Meng Ya went back to Lihua's side, she quickly said, "I am done! Let's go!"

Lihua stared at her and her slightly red eyes. "You…"

"What's wrong? Come on," she chirped.

Lihua wondered the reason behind the sadness reflecting in her eyes. But she was ignoring the topic, so she didn't press on.

She smiled. "Let's go."

As they walked towards the principal's office, Lihua slowly asked, "Yaya."


"The things you bought yesterday for my pregnancy…"

She almost stumbled in her step, but she braced herself. A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "W-What about it?"

Did Lihua figure out that it was from Jiang Wei?

She subconsciously wiped her forehead.

Lihua wanted to ask if those things and necessities were from Wei or not. They were all expensive brands, and she could feel that they were carefully chosen to give her the best. The only person who would do so much research would be none other than Wei.