The Mafia King is injured?

The expression on Jiang Weizhe's face finally cracked. Fu Shen stared at him, dumbfounded. Then he faintly remembered seeing his son, Fu Renshu, in what he thought to be wearing clothes that looked as if he was a University student.

Huang Liangshi was Wei, a college student.

His mouth twitched.

What are these people doing?

Jiang Weizhe stared at them and in the end only uttered, "What? Wei?"

Jiang Lanying gulped.

Ugh don't let him be angry please…

Jiang Fai whistled and looked away.

"Yes," Jiang Ruiling nodded. "That's why you cannot hurt him."

Jiang Weizhe blankly looked at them. "Wei is...disguised as a college student?"

"It's not a childish idea if I may say so," she stood in defence. "Cousin wants to be with her, and this is the only way. Sooner or later, she will find herself drawn to him too."

"He is Huang Liangshi to her. She won't like any other man apart from Wei."