The Mafia King asks for a dance

"That woman is lying," Xian Xue said.

Jiang Ruiling glared at him. "Why would she have any reason to lie against you? Stop clutching to straws here. Shen Yang answered all your questions, but you are unable to answer anything. You couldn't justify that the fake instructor was you when the prisoner clearly saw a mark on your neck-"

"Mark?" Xian Xue laughed. "If that is it, then did you ask if Shen Yang had such a mark on his neck?" He pointed at the back of his neck and smiled. "Don't you think it's a weird place to hurt yourself? In what circumstances do you think one might have got scratched there?"

Jiang Yubi coughed.

"Madam Jiang Yubi understands it. It's when a man makes out with a woman, and that woman wraps her hand around his neck and digs her nails on his skin in pleasure. So, clearly, that's how I got the mark."

Jiang Ruiling narrowed her eyes. "Nobody is interested in your sex life here."