Break the demand

Lihua grimly nodded.

She had looked at Xiao Jian's eyes and found that she had been taking drugs. Zhao Weisheng had told her how people who regularly consume drugs look different in their eyes. Their pupils would be slightly dilated.

"I understood the reason. She has a complex about her looks and body, and she is bullied for it in her school. That adds more to the complex. Then her parents are at work mostly, so she is alone taking care of her brother all on her own. When she needs her parents to talk to, she is busy looking after her brother. Her parents must be really busy for her to think that she shouldn't bother them with her own issues. All in all, she is not getting help or she thinks that drugs IS the help she needs."

Jiang Hua nodded. "I agree. But what does talking to her achieve?"