The wrong target to get bitten

Jiang Zhen carefully watched Lihua trying to provoke him. Admitting that he was chasing after some other woman when his wife and son were still here would mean his reputation plummet instantly.

Right now, he was already the centre of attention by how the waitress treated him and how only his food was cooked bitterly. Everybody was throwing casual glances at him. Naturally, everybody was curious about Lihua's relationship with him.

Jiang Zhen lightly smiled. "Nothing. She is our family friend. We met her by coincidence tonight, and Hua asked her to join us. Right, Hua?" He dangerously narrowed his eyes.

Jiang Hua jolted and quickly nodded her head.

He iterated the same thing in English for Charles.

Jiang Hua felt the language barrier and everybody's pointing gazes at her. Lihua held her hand and shook her head.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't lower your head."

She weakly smiled. "Thanks…"

Charles laughed. "Oh, I see, I see!"