You are really interesting

Mingshen's guards surrounded the room and pointed their guns at Bojing. But Mingshen raised his palm and gave a signal to stop them.


Bojing didn't let them have their conversation for longer as he lunged onto Mingshen with a speed that was unbelievable to the Yang family's guards.

Mingshen dodged just in time, but it got harder and harder. His reflexes were so sharp and fast that he didn't let Mingshen have any moment of peace or contemplation. He didn't allow him to think, forcing him to save himself by a hair's breadth every single time.

The guards could only watch, dumbfounded.

What was with this child?

Mingshen jumped and dodged around, taking care that Bojing's fingers wouldn't grab his neck.


Mingshen was pretty much fit and strong for his age. He constantly spared and trained with the guards, but Bojing was on a whole different level. The guards or anybody in this world couldn't even compare fighting with Bojing.