The Mafia King in coma

Jia had her jaw dropped. "Mingshen, are you out of your mind!?"

Lihua, who was in a trance-like state until now, faintly heard Mingshen talking that ran a shiver down her spine.

Mingshen stared at Lihua and sneered. "I am not out of my mind. Your sister is. She is killing her children anyway. I am just speeding up the process~ So I will do the ABORTION, and free her from her responsibilities. Then she can get all depressed she wants."

The way how he emphasized abortion snapped her out of her daze. 

"Come on little chilly. I will be quick and efficient. I will take the twins out of your belly and get back to operating your ex-husband," he smiled.

Lihua widened her eyes in horror, and she trembled. "Y-you…How could you even think about killing my children?"

"You are the one trying to kill them first. I am just accelerating the process. I am sure you will appreciate it."