The Mafia King is discharged

Lihua looked at Qingqing, dumbfounded and speechless.


Qingqing felt everybody's gazes at her, and she hissed.

Don't stare at me, peasant humans!

She was suddenly shaken off Bojing's shoulder and hugged hard by Lihua.

"Qingqing! I knew you were awesome, but I never knew you were so awesome!" She burst into tears. "Qingqing, you saved Wei! You are so cute, Qingqing! You are the best!"

Bojing bobbed his head hard, and he joined Lihua in her journey of tears too, feeling pride for Qingqing.

Qingqing, who was smothered against Lihua's chest, could see stars in front of her eyes.

You human! Do you want to kill me!?

Then as if Lihua wasn't enough, Jiang Yubi hopped in next to shower the cat with all her love. "Aish, you saved my son…How can I be thankful?"

How about not strangling me against your chests for a starter!? You want to kill this Queen!?