The Mafia King ends Jiang Zhen (1)


In the dark and ominous base, Jiang Zhen faintly heard the sound of steps tapping on the ground. He felt as if the steps were coming towards him as their pace and sound increased. He lifted his head and saw a blurry image of someone standing in front of him. He blinked his eyes several times and finally recognized Wei's dark eyes staring back at him with menace and cruelty.

Jiang Zhen snarled and lunged right at him. But he was held back by the chains that were tied to his hands and legs against the pillar.

"You…you fucker! I will kill you!" He breathlessly gasped. His face showed an ugly expression, and his eyes were red as they blazed with fury. "How dare you act so mighty like this, huh? How dare you trap me like this!? You will pay for this!" His voice rang loudly in the base to which Wei stood unfazed and unperturbed.

He dazedly looked left and right. "Lihua. Where is Lihua…?" He laughed. "She must be waiting for me. I need to go. I-"