The Mafia King's childhood with Lihua (3)

The next evening arrived in the blink of an eye and Wei was already present in the park, patiently waiting for Lihua to arrive. But the evening turned into night, and there was still no sign of her.

Wei started pacing back and forth in worry.

Why isn't she here yet? Maybe she hasn't finished making her gift yet.

Wei nodded and found solace in that. He took out a small packet from his pocket and stared at it, feeling pleased. When he heard Lihua was planning to give a gift to her mother and father, it lit up his own mind with an idea to give a gift for Lihua. It was a small pair of earrings that Wei chose for her.

The assistant, Fu Shen, was quite skeptical about this, but Wei didn't answer any questions. He feigned ignorance of his meetings with Lihua.