The Mafia King's underlings babysit (1)

It was a huge celebration in the Zhao family after Limei took his first steps. Lihua and the gang were slightly late to arrive at the office but thankfully, they didn't miss out on her steps through Wei's video call, and Ruiling had even video recorded it.

The whole family was sobbing tears of joy, watching Limei walk towards Wei. The atmosphere was warm and fuzzy. It was a double celebration when two days later, Weiyun also walked for the first time.

Lihua was squealing too much that her tears refused to stop.

"Weiyuuuuuuun. Y-you are walking…" she rubbed her nose.


His smile rendered the last attack on her heart, and she fainted.

The men in the family were waiting in line for Limei walk just like she had for Wei. Zhao Weizhe was trembling with joy when Limei came to his side giggling and laughing.

"My granddaughter is so talented."