Mingshen, the benefactor

Mingshen sneered. "Since my assistant is happily playing with the twins, there is no case against me. He is not trapped here at all. How dare you throw mud at my name in front of my Spicy!?"

Jia grimaced and ignored him. She looked at Zexi and said, "Well, since Bojing is all fine, we really have no case against him."

Zexi bit her lip hard. "But but…"

She smiled and ruffled her head. "Don't worry. You should head back. Bojing is fine. Even if he is a psycho devil and a heartless creature, he won't hurt Bojing. Don't worry."

"But he won't let me meet Bojing!"

"Of course he will. I think he must be really busy," she narrowed her eyes. "Right Yang Mingshen?"

"Of course, Spicy. How can I ever lie to you? Wouldn't lightning strike me then?"

"Yeah I really wish it strikes you now," she dryly said.

After much convincing, Zexi finally agreed and left with Jia.

Mingshen turned his back and immediately dialed Bojing's number. "My dear assistant," he sneered.
