"Master's First Weapon"

Lucius also noticed this, so he took a table napkin and reached out to her. "You've got some sauce over here," he pointed to his cheek to guide her.

But when Ivory was about to take the table napkin, Sigmund quickly wiped the sauce off her face with his thumb and licked off the sauce on his finger.

"Hmm…" he licked his lips and commented, "Not bad."

Ivory was startled by his behavior, and her cheeks turned red as a tomato. "Sig… Sigmund!" She couldn't believe he acted like that in front of Lucius!

Lucius withdrew his hand and looked at the Vampire dubiously. His possessiveness towards his Master made him think, what if the naive Ivory developed feelings for her own Servant because of his actions? He got worried about her because it seemed like she's attracted to men that easily.

Then the thought of him being too kind to her crossed his mind. What if Ivory misunderstood his kind intentions? He's kind to her because he felt at ease when he's with her. He's always helping her because she's his close friend, and nothing more.

Looking at the bickering Master and Servant in front of him, he thought that the situation was okay for now. However, if the time comes and she needed advice, he would be glad to be of help to her as a friend should.


The next week, classes were postponed for a major academy event. All first year students, together with their Servants, were called over to the coliseum, and the Educators and Class Advisers stood in front of them. This time, what was set up in the middle part of the dome was not a summoning circle, but several wooden weapons.

"We shall assess all your mana types today. When I call your name, approach us here," Educator Wallace said. He and Educator Rosanna were in charge of the event, "After the assessment, you will directly go behind me and take the glowing weapon, which will be your lifelong armament."

The students were chattering about why the weapons were made of wood.

"What does Educator Wallace mean? We can't change our weapons?"

"What? I don't want to have a wooden weapon!"

"SILENCE!" Educator Rosanna yelled, making the students stop talking.

"Let me explain. You're not going to have a wooden weapon forever. These weapons will evolve three times depending on how well you do in your training."

Together with their Servants, the Masters went in front as soon as their names were called. Each Master stood in front of Educator Wallace, who told them to touch the crystal ball he was holding. They moved to where the weapons were placed and took the weapon that glowed.

Arcea and Lucius both had the same type of weapon, which was a sword.

Then came Ivory's turn.

"I'm so nervous!" She told Sigmund as they walked towards the Educator.

"Afraid that the weapon might run away from you?" he chuckled.

"It would?" her jaw almost dropped. "Oh no! I hope it doesn't happen!" his Master worriedly replied and walked briskly, leaving him behind.

'What a stupid woman…' he thought.

"The swords are almost depleted, Educator Wallace," Educator Rosanna told him. "We still have some bows, and plenty of magic staff."

"Looks like this batch will have a lot of potential close combat-type warriors and some range-type," he sighed. "I guess magic-types are hard to find since we only have nine this time."

Ivory greeted the Educators with Sigmund behind her, then went over to Educator Wallace. "Hello, sir, good day."

"Miss Sprucemint, good day to you as well. Please touch the crystal ball."

As soon as she did, the crystal ball gradually glowed. With the small amount of mana that it took from her, which was then fused with the magic of the ball, a blue glow then entered one of the magic staffs.

Pleased with the tenth magician-type student, he spoke in a cheerful tone, "Congratulations, you're a rare magic user! Go on, get your staff!"

Ivory hurriedly took the glowing staff, and the moment she touched it, she felt her mana reacting to it, sending shivers down to her spine.

The event ended, and everyone was told to go back to the classroom.

"I'm excited, what will this sword evolve into? A real, sharp sword? A heavy axe? A dagger? Or a spear? Oh my!" Arcea shared as she raised her weapon in the air.

"Isn't your father a blacksmith? You must have plenty of weapons in your father's workshop," Lucius told her.

"Well, yes, but I only have one sword which I am permitted to use. But this magic sword feels different! I hope it evolves, soon!" she giggled, then turned to Ivory, "Hey, Ivory. I heard you're a rare magic-type, and there are only ten out of a hundred students like you."

"Yes, I've heard about it," she said. "But I'm still worried. Sigmund said that my mana quality is poor, so…"

"Don't listen to him! You're already doing great!" she patted her head.

Mad about what Arcea told his Master, Sigmund shoved her hand away from Ivory's head. "I am speaking the truth. I do not lie to her."

"You…" Areca squinted her eyes. "After all these days, you're still this stubborn? What kind of a Spirit Servant-"

"Arcea, I think Sigmund is just saying what's on his mind. If he says that my mana quality is poor, then it is true… That's why I was wondering why I was given the staff…"

Arcea glared at Sigmund, and he did the same. He always saw her as a hindrance to him and his Master's buildup of trust. Aside from that, he would not forget that she was the one who encouraged her to have a lover before.

The day ended, and Ebleu waited for Ivory and Sigmund by the gate. However, she then realized that she had left her staff inside the classroom!

"Oh no, I forgot my staff! I'll just go and get it!" she ran off with Sigmund following her.

But when she returned to her seat, she saw that her precious, wooden staff was already broken in half!