"Rebellion in Gallean Town-1"

Sigmund widened his eyes with his Master's sudden question. He turned serious, "It must not happen… That kind of thing."

"It never happened before?"

He averted his eyes as his heart ached, "Are you really this stupid? It is common sense that a Servant won't have human emotions. Unless that Servant is sick in the head."

Ivory felt a pang in her chest. She knew her love wouldn't be reciprocated by her Servant, especially a Vampire like him who just wanted her for her blood and mana. How could she forget that she was asked by Sigmund to help him unravel the truth about the tragedy in the Silverblade Castle years ago since he was accused as the sole cause of why Vampire Servants banished? At the same time, she also had asked for Sigmund's help to win the Servant Competition.

She had to accept that they just need each other to reach their goals, and nothing more.

Sigmund suddenly heard several running footsteps approaching the house. The Vampire quickly pulled Ivory to stand up and helped her to quickly place back the layers of cloth around her. She was dressed just in time, when someone knocked at the door.

"It's me Jasiel! Come with us outside, it's an emergency!"

Ivory hurriedly wore her light body armor. She made sure that her two wooden sticks were attached on her belt, then she and her Vampire Servant stepped out of the room.

Morgan, who was standing behind Jasiel with two more town guards, commented. "There's an emergency meeting for all town guards in front of the town hall."

"A group of people started a rebellion, and they're now in the town arc. They said that they plan to take over the town hall and place the whole town under them," explained Jasiel. "Let's hurry!"

They ran as fast as they could, and when they reached the town hall, Nathan's cousin, the town guard chief, had already started briefing the guards about their positions.

"I need one more Chosen One inside the town hall to guard the Town Leader and his wife…" he glanced at the latecomers, "Aren't you the students from Qawiun Academy?"

"Yes, sir!" They answered at the same time.

"Two of you will guard the gate. And one of you will guard the Town Leader's room…" the town guard chief narrowed his eyes at them, thinking of what tasks to assign. "You, young lad with the silver hair."

"Yes, sir?" Ivory responded.

"Get inside with your Servant and protect the Town Leader," he was thinking that the rebel would not reach the town hall anyway if he placed the two stronger-looking ones at the gate.

Ivory saluted him, then she and Sigmund ran inside.

The town hall was the biggest adobe structure in Gallean, and it was located at the far end of the town. At the back of the building were the Gallean Mountains, and the mesmerizing view of Empirica City could be seen after climbing it.

The flat-roofed two-storey building was made of hardened clay and has a tall front door in between two doric columns and double hung windows. The Master and the Vampire Servant entered the town hall. But how simple the exterior of the town hall might be, the interior was the opposite. It was very spacious inside, and it had a hidden extravagant design, such as sceneries painted on the walls as well as stone statues, that only those allowed inside the town hall could see.

"Are you the Qawiun Academy student?" one of the guards asked Ivory, and she nodded. He then said, "Follow me."

They were led to the second floor, where a black door was situated at the right corner part of the hall. The guard opened the door and led the way up to the spiral stone stairs.

When they reached a red-painted door, the guard left them. Ivory glanced at Sigmund, and he used his heightened hearing to know if it was a good time to knock at the door. He heard a woman speaking to a man, and he deduced that they were the Town Leader and his wife.

Ivory knocked at the door then said, "Good evening, I am Ivor from Qawiun Academy. I will stay here by the door to protect you."

The door opened, and the Town Leader's wife peeked. Wearing a red puff-sleeve bra top and a flowy long linen and chiffon skirt, she's a small-faced beauty with big round light purple eyes and light brown straight short bob.

"Great! You're here. Please come inside."

Ivory and Sigmund went inside, then closed the door.

"Good evening, young lad. I am Euphorie, the Town Leader's wife," she pointed to her husband, who's sitting on his bed, "And he's Diether Greatling, the Town Leader."

Ivory turned her head towards the thin, shabby-looking man. She saluted him, "I'm Ivor, at your service."

But Diether just stared blankly at her. He then glanced at his wife, then laid on his bed, turning his back on them. Euphorie quickly covered him with the blanket.

"My husband has been sick, so I have to help him with his duties as a Town Leader. You're a guest, so you must have been confused," explained Euphorie as she saw Ivory's expression.

"It's alright ma'am… We're here to help."

Euphorie then approached Ivory. Her light purple eyes stared deeply into her light blue eyes, and she touched her cheek. "I am pleased that a pretty boy like you will help me," she bent down to match Ivory's height. She leaned in closer and whispered as her cleavage was exposed, "Do you want to talk in private?"

Ivory was weirded out by it, and she held her by her shoulders, "Ma'am. What are you doing?"

"Hmm? Why aren't you affected?" Euphorie looked confused, and she tried looking directly into Ivory's eyes again, "Young man, you must… obey my orders..."

Sensing the sudden surge of mana within the woman, Sigmund pushed her away, making her fall on the ground.

"You… You seem like a Chosen One," Sigmund said as he took his Master behind his back. "Where's your Servant?"

"My Servant?" She laughed. "I-"

She couldn't finish her sentence, because the wall suddenly broke. Dust diffused in the room, making them cough. As soon as the dust had almost been cleared, they turned her head to see what happened, and Euphorie widened her eyes in shock.

"Hans Greatling?" she muttered. "What… What are you doing here?!"

In front of the giant white snake with piercing gray eyes which was a Beast Servant, was its blue-haired Master holding a board sword with emerald green pommel and golden chappe. He was wearing a blue cropped shirt and pants, which were embellished with oversized gold jewelries on his chest and belt. A dark blue cape was wrapped around his shoulder.

"I am rescuing my father from you," he said in a serious tone. When he saw Ivory and Sigmund, he told them, "You're from Qawiun Academy, right? Get out of here. This is a family issue that I needed to resolve alone. Stay out of this."

Ivory and Sigmund ran away from them and stayed in one corner of the room, observing the two.

Hans told Euphorie, "I plan to kill you today… to avenge my mother."

"Avenge? But I didn't do anything-"

"You seduced my father, that was why she killed herself!" he yelled. "And do you think I don't know? You were seducing other men as well!"

"Hah! You do not know my struggles, Hans. I don't know why my spell wouldn't work on you, but since you're not willing to listen to me, then I guess we should just settle this once and for all until one of us dies!"

"Venomsplash... Take her down!" Hans' Servant then hastily crawled to Euphorie. The Master and Servant pair were trying hard to corner her, but because her mana quality was on par with them, she could always avoid their attacks.

As Sigmund continued to observe Euphorie as she casted Air Elemental Magic, he noticed something, which he told Ivory, "The Town Leader's wife… her mana…"

"What about her mana?"

"It's... the same as your normal mana."