"The Never-ending Game of Hide and Seek"

"You confessed to me… and kissed me."

"No way!!" Ivory quickly moved backwards, turning beet red, "Why… Why will I confess to you!? And why the heck will I kiss you!? You must be lying!! That's too much!!" she was taken aback by the sudden revelation. At the back of her mind, she was not yet ready to confess!

Sigmund chuckled, "Why are you asking me, dimwit?! You were the one who initiated it, not me! And do you even know that it's not the first time you kissed me?"

"What? When did I-"

"When you tried the Conversion Magic at the back of your house," he explained, "You told me that you wanted me, then you kissed me."

"In your dreams!" she retorted.