"Sigmund, you are always my favorite"

Lycus shrugged, "Servant, I've been there before, and I've met the Sapphirians' tribe leader. I can get us a secluded area just for Lady Ivory's training and meditation."

"That will be very useful!" Ivory said excitedly, while Sigmund rolled his eyes in dismay.

"Okay, so that's the plan," Principal Arthurdane said. "I will be hiring a coachman from Omegalion City for the three of you. We do not want them to recognize and follow the academy or Lucius' carriage."

"Will you and Arcea be alright, Lucius?" she said in worry. "Should we tell her about our plan-"

"No, it's better if we do not tell her. You know that she's a nice friend, but she's not good at keeping secrets because she's a very transparent person," he chuckled.

"About our pocket coins," Ivory said. "I have some savings left, I think I can-"

"I will give you coins to spend," Lucius chimed in.