"Amorous Gazes"

Minutes later, they arrived at Megalia City. They viewed the weeping willows and oak trees planted along the way before they reached the enormous city arc built with red bricks and had two turrets in the middle. 

As they walked forward, they saw Lucius on the narrow alleyway with roads made of red cobblestones and bricks. The three admired the beauty of the towers and turrets, as well as the modest bricked houses in the city. There were also some draping wisterias and grape vines on wires which were mounted on the brick walls.

Lucius then led them to Ebleu's house, which was just a few minutes walk from the arc. The old coachman lived with his wife in a small one story brown brick cottage, which could easily be distinguished because of its red door and chimney on the facade of it.

Ivory excitedly knocked on the red door, which she found cute, and when the old man heard their voices outside his humble home, he quickly opened the door.