"Flaws of the Vampire Servant"

"What… What do you mean?!" Ivory answered, turning as red as tomato.

"Again, I have to bring this up. Didn't I say you're mine, Ivory? Hmm?" Sigmund's crimson red irises started glowing, an indication that he might be feeling intense emotions. 

Ivory already observed this in him. Her Vampire Servant's irises glow whenever he uses a large heap of his mana, or in a very bad mood.

"Sigmund, calm down, or else I'll fight you," she said, pretending not to be fazed. But deep inside, she wouldn't do it. How could she harm her own beloved Servant?

"How brave," he smirked. He knew it was just a hollow statement. He continued stepping forward until Ivory reached the bed behind her.

She gulped in nervousness, "Uhm, you should calm down. You know that I will never leave you, okay? I just needed to save Lycus, that's why I agreed to be his Master. After all, I am the reason why he almost died- Waaa!"