"The Hailstorm between Ivory and Lucius"

They snuck out of the mining area and proceeded to Precious Inn.

"Good evening- Oh…" Fiora's greeting was cut off as soon as she saw Lucius pulling Ivory's arm with a serious face as they walked swiftly with heavy steps. Behind them were Lycus and Sigmund who hastily followed them.

Fiora wondered what was the matter. She wanted to know if she still had a chance with Lucius, and if she could trust Ivory's words when she cheered for her. She also desperately wanted to know Lucius' true feelings for Ivory. With her overthinking, it crushed her spirit, and she just sighed in frustration. 

In Lucius' room, he let go of Ivory and yelled, "What the hell were you doing in that place? You know how dangerous it is!" he clenched his fists in extreme anger. "What if you got caught and fought them? They're all castle knights, so they all possess magic! Don't be too reckless just because you have Sigmund and Lycus!"