"I miss taking baths with my Vampire Servant"

Days went on by, and because the issue about the missing scrolls was solved, they could finally focus on finding the special black gemstone. Fortunately, they already secured a secret path for them to use.

One midnight, they decided to push through their plan. It was one of the coldest nights, and so they noticed that there were fewer knights than usual. They only used their Fire magic when they got inside the womb cave. 

With very careful steps, they moved forward in a line in the narrow space to warm them up. Lycus was ahead of them to sniff what's in front, followed by Ivory, and then Lucius. Sigmund was at the back to hear if someone's coming their way. On the other hand, Volcius was in an inactive state in his Master's sling bag, ready to be used in case they'd need to face very strong knights.

They used Earth magic to fit themselves in the cave, but the truth was, they had not yet reached the very end of it.