"Most Treasured Secret"

In the front yard, Fiora greeted the two, "Good morning! As of today, I am finally back!"

"Oh, it's you, receptionist girl," Sigmund said indifferently.

"Mister! You're back as well."

"Yeah, and many things already happened while you were away. Lucius broke the two doors, and this guest volunteered to make new ones."

"I see, what a kind gentleman!" Fiora exclaimed, and she reached out her hand to Nathan, "I am Fiora, and I work here in Precious Inn."

"Miss Fiora, nice to meet you. I am Nathan Sandfall, from Gallean town in the Land of Sandria."

"That's quite far! What brings you here?"

"A favor from a friend who works in the mines. I'm here to work and help with removing the boulders blocking the entrance."

"I see… Why don't they just ask for the Chosen Ones' to help move the boulders?"