"Ivory and Sigmund's Teenager Son"

Ivory and Sigmund went after him, worried that he might do something reckless, but it became easier for them to catch up to him because he had no mana. When they turned to a corner of the small street, it was a dead end, and Zen only knelt down. In his mind, there was no more hope for him, just like how he ended up on that blocked path. 

He broke down and cried as loud as he could, while Ivory and Sigmund let him take out his sadness. Afterwards, Zen let Ivory and Sigmund bring him back to the inn. Together with Lucius and Lycus, they talked with him in a vacant room.

"I can't remember anything, but I can only remember them as my real parents. At this point, I do not know myself anymore," Zen uttered as his tears trickled down his cheeks. He then drank water from a cup given by Lycus.

Lucius reacted, "This will be hard. We need to know if you are truly of the Silverblade clan."