"The Master without a Servant-3" (extra)

"Well, it's because of this guy," he pointed to him as he held his arm. "He has an odd case. He seems to be telling the truth, but I am not yet that sure. I want your opinion, Sir Arthurdane."

The Principal examined him from head to toe. He noticed the bluish, faint birthmark of Destinia in his arm, "Hmmm… It seemed to be quite different from our marks. I am going to call the other Educators for their opinions." He then asked someone outside to call some of the Educators who were available at the time.

Soon after, Educators Rosanna of the Swordsmanship class, Educator Alphonse of the Tactics class, and Educator Wallace of the Magic class arrived at the Principal's office.

Levi stayed quiet yet cautious as the Educators examined his birthmark. Educator Wallace even opened some of his old scrolls for reference, while Educators Rosanna and Alphonse interrogated him.

"So you mean, you have been using magic, but have no Servant?" Educator Alphonse asked.