"Your Servants are spoiling you too much"


The next morning, a messenger riding a brown horse came. The man said that he was tasked to deliver a message from the Goldwines. Ivory and her foster family came out to listen to him.

"General Goldwine would like to invite the Sprucemint family and Mister Zen for a feast tonight. He wants to celebrate the safe return of Mister Lucius and Miss Ivory."

"We would love to come, of course!" Gordon exclaimed.

Anne then asked, "Uhm, do we need to dress up formally for the feast?"

The messenger shook his head. "You may wear anything you'd be comfortable with. It is an informal event, but it will be attended by some of the Town Leaders and Town Guard Chiefs within the Land of Olivea. The General also invited a drum and lyre band, as well as some lively dancers. Several dishes will also be prepared."

"I guess we do have to dress quite nice," Ivory said, "Alright sir, thank you for informing us!"

"It is my pleasure. See you all later!"