"No Resemblance"

As soon as his carriage left, there was an awkward silence in the room. Ivory suddenly grabbed her two Servants' arms and tried to lift up their spirits, "Since we are currently stuck with our problem, how about we focus on my training? What do you think?"

"Sounds great," Sigmund said. "We should just wait for Prince Levian to come back, I am sure he has the answers to our problems. He knows everything we want to know?."

"Yes, master," Lycus smiled at her. She patted his head first before messing up his long, silver hair.

"Why are you patting him?" The Vampire narrowed his eyes.

Ivory chuckled, and she also messed with Sigmund's black hair. "You easily get jealous!"

Afterwards, she gave her warm group hug to the two. "Let's go to the gulf shore later and start my training."