"Servant Competition: Ivory vs the Lass with Endless Daggers-1"

Josie Kimson and her clown Spirit Servant, Jokerion were called on stage, followed by Martina Ginterdame and her shadow tiger beast Servant, Tigra. 

But before Josie stepped further away from Martina, she told her, "Josie, I have a favor to ask."

The black-haired Master looked at her curiously.

Martina told her in a soft tone, "Just fight me. Do not hurt my little cub."

"O… kay?" Josie raised her brow. "You know this is the Servant Competition, right? Why don't we just give our best shot?"

She shook her head, "You're one of my closest classmates, Josie. I've seen your hard work since we were first year. I know that you deserve to win this competition, and even if both my Servant and I try to fight you, I know that you'll win," she tugged her shirt, "What's the use of having a strong weapon and a strong Servant, if what I really wanted is to become a sculptor and not a warrior?"

"Martina… Are you sure?"