"Servant Competition: Sinking Lucius"

Lucius and Caspian were standing atop big lily pads, while Caspian's reindeer girl Spirit Servant Lutie stood closely beside her Master. If they are not careful enough and get off balance, they may fall down the waters!

The terrain was advantageous to Caspian, who undeniably had Water-type mana. With every step, he and his Servant formed ice on the surface of the water, making him free to move anywhere he wanted. Although this may cost a little of his mana, he didn't hesitate. Caspian planned on making Lucius lose for less than thirty minutes, and to do that, he needed to be aggressive in the first half before Lucius could think of a way to defeat him!

The blonde young man saw in Caspian's eyes and stance how desperate he wanted to win. As he recalled that time when the ice master almost killed Ivory, it came to him that he might repeat that incident again, so he had to be alert. Lucius knew that he should not let Caspian's desperation be the cause of his fall.