"Ivory's checkup with The Mysterious Physician"

Lycus was dumbfounded as well. He thought he wouldn't see the woman again, "Master- I mean… Miss Daphne..."

Ivory looked at Physician Daphne and Lycus, who couldn't get their eyes away from each other.

"Uhm excuse me," Ivory patted Lycus' shoulder, "What is happening?" 

The female physician wiped her tears with her fingers, "Uhh… Apologies. I haven't seen him for a very, very long time, so..."

"Miss Daphne is my past Master," Lycus explained, "And Miss Daphne, this is Miss Ivory, my current Master."

"A new Master? I thought you couldn't-"

"His Eminence permitted it…" Lycus saw Ivory and the others staring curiously at him, "Let us talk about it after the check up. For now, please take a look at Master Ivory's allergy."

Daphne finally calmed down, "I apologize, that was unprofessional of me... Let me see your allergy, miss."

Ivory carefully removed the cloth covering her face and tucked her hair behind both of her ears.