
Ivory used Air magic to push herself forward faster. She caught up with Sigmund, and grabbed his shoulder. 

The Vampire turned around to try to hold onto Ivory, and  when they locked eyes, Ivory got her Air magic out of control. In a few seconds, the casting of magic was stopped.

This made Sigmund have the chance to turn the tide of the battle. He materialized his wings, then lifted her up by her waist.

Ivory, with locked Silverblade mana, couldn't transform into her Werewolf form. Instead, she struggled with all her might as they slowly rose up to the air.

"You birdbrain, return to your old self, damn it!" Sigmund yelled, as he hugged her tightly..

But the silverhead didn't want him to continue to be at an advantage. She moved her head backwards, hitting the Vampire's chin!

"Ivory!" Sigmund yelled when he accidentally loosened his grip on her, making her fall down.