AFTERSTORY 6: "Obelius Sprucemint and the Runaway Princess-3"

Rin chuckled, "No, I think you look younger."

Obelius was pleased with this, and so he gave her a slice of apple pie on a smaller plate, "Here. For the compliment."

The two sisters laughed as they saw how their brother liked what Rin said. And so, the four of them continued chatting about random things.

It was the first time that Rin got close to commoners, apart from her loyal maidservant, Ofelia. In her mind, she was already enjoying the company of the Sprucemints, and wondered if she could be truly friends with them if they'd known about her real identity.

After eating, the Sprucemints washed the dishes, then cleaned the table. Although Rin volunteered to help, the two young women insisted that she should just wait at the living room, because she's their brother's special guest.

Later on, Andreia and Thea bid goodbye, as they had to return to the Qawiun Academy dorm. Obelius and Rin continued sculpting.