Ghost Spider

The sight, as the spider which was as massively huge as a building vanished before his very eyes made Khal's face turn pale as a sheet of paper and raise his guard instantly.

All around the whole world, there were millions of terrifying creatures each having their chilling and creepy aspects, but none of them were as fearsome and brutal as the Ghost Spider.

Ghost Spiders were considered Plant Beasts on the Third Cultivation Stage, but because of the unusual ability that let them venture below sunlight and moonlight, they were classified instead as Beasts. They were able to make their whole body and silk turn invisible for a small amount of time, not only giving them protection from light but also gave them a huge advantage during their hunt.

Ghost Spiders' ability was extremely scary and it worked exceptionally well against unperceptive victims. If one was not careful enough, it was relatively easy to fall into their traps and die without knowing what happened.