Free Secret Art

As Khal walked toward the building where he could claim his rewards, a slight smile emerged on his face.

Naturally, he was not that stupid to know that Alde was the one who sent Moras to assassinate him. Especially with the clue, he found on Moras's body.

"This... I can't believe they don't even try to hide the fact they were from this family," said Khal quietly as he took out a necklace from his pocket.

It was a simple necklace made out of silver chains; at first glance it was nothing special at all. However, the main sight was not that but the object on its end which in fact would be quite familiar not only for Khal but for everyone else too; an obsidian black ring with the Ourvi Family's emblem on it.

Just looking at the ring made Khal feel like exploding with anger but he knew he needed to act calm. He already had a plan how to take his revenge on Alde and now the only thing he needed was to wait for the perfect opportunity.