Looking For a Job


Khal watched blankly at Logan like he just heard something incomprehensible. Find a job? What? Why? He was a Cultivator who can earn money through accepting missions and killing beast while at the same time getting stronger; why should he find a job?

As Khal's brain tried to find the logical answer to his question Logan's eyebrows knitted together tightly and asked, "You weren't told you need to find a Job inside Moon Academy? That is a serious requirement if one wanted to stay inside the Academy; you need to do at least one Job a month, as for what Job you choose, that is completely on you."

"What? No. I wasn't told about that at all. Who should have said that to me?" raised a brow at that as he asked.

"Who? Isn't that obvious? It should have been your..." started to say Logan but halted in his sentence as he realized he should have said that to him.