Buying Pills

After calming himself down and making sure nothing followed him, Khal walked out of Shadow Woods and began to wander on its outer part hoping to find a few weak Beasts he could kill.

Cultivators were all over the place so his search was quite hard, but thanks to his reputation in Moon Academy those who saw him immediately decided to keep their distance from him and hunt somewhere else.

And naturally, Rubie helped him too to scare them away. Whenever they approached a group of Cultivators Rubie would stare at them with a piercing glare or simply shriek up in a threatening manner; which in fact was still a little 'chirp' sound, but because of her Cultivation Stage she was still able to scare all of them away.

And thanks to her, Khal was able to hunt a few First Stage Beasts and consume their Essence, but it seemed his fortune began to deplete after he visited the cave.

[Notify! Heaven's Eyes has consumed 1 'Beast Essence']