Haven City

Ephus, the name that was bestowed upon the planet where humans lived in the First Realm by both humans and beings from the Second Realm, the Realm of Cultivation.

Ephus, in truth, was quite similar to Earth from Khal's previous life with the sole difference that it was about 3 times larger and there were only 4 continents, each having its own laws and leaders.

Luckily, Khal was blessed enough to live on the most peaceful continent out of the four, on the Southern Continent!

In stark contrast to the Western Continent where Cultivators were in never-ending war between each other, people on the Southern Continent lived in harmony, all thanks to the fact that all Cities there formed a permanent alliance with each other, creating a so-called Federation.

To put it simply, all the cities were led by the Cultivator's Organization but had complete independence in internal affairs let it be creating special laws or the prices of things there.