Fake Pill

After Khal walked out, the doors behind him closed leaving only Logan and Master Adam in the hall together with Madam Snow.

Silence filled the interior of the room, but soon Master Adam tilted his gaze at Madam Snow and said, "You can also leave. I have a few things to discuss with this old friend of mine."

Madam Snow without any objection nodded and after bowing politely toward Logan left the hall in hurried steps.

Only when the doors closed completely did Master Adam's indifferent complexion form a beaming smile and hug Logan tightly.

"Asher, the hell happened with you? You look just as crap when I last saw you! And..." after examining Logan from up to bottom, Master Adam's brows tightened and asked, "Why are you hiding your real Cultivation Strength? This is not you at all! Where is the old Asher who acted intimidating all the time?"