World Devouring Strike

"What? The legendary World Devouring Strike which can demolish half of a continent if used by a Celestial Ruler?" stood up Connor abruptly, his palms trembling from the shock.

"Yes," nodded Jas, but then continued, "Though, because she is still on the Fifth Cultivation Stage she can't bring its full potential out, not even close. If I should say, that attack right now was only... 0,5% of what the true World Devouring Strike could do."


Many in the room turned speechless, their face unable to hide their awe. Even Jane, who always looked collected and calm seemed now dumbfounded by Jas's statement.

"0,5%... Haha... Then whoever can master such a terrific Art could be considered as a God amongst us 'weak' Cultivators." sighed Connor, his body dropping back into his seat.

"But there is none who was able to master and utilize it perfectly," suddenly Jas talked, confusing Connor and the others right away.

"What should that mean?"