Andre Dusk


Bazz seeing Khal's surprised expression frowned and said, "What 'what'? You said you were able to learn a few things from watching me forging, then here... Show me. I'm curious to see."

'...' Khal remained silent for a bit and after a bit sighed and shook his head, "That will be impossible. This Dragon Steel is a High-Quality item and I have never seen it much less forge it!"

"Then how did you know it's a Dragon Steel?" questioned Bazz, seemingly wary about Khal's statement. 

"I mean, the metal you forged had the same appearance and you were the one who told it was named Dragon Steel," said Khal that was telling half lie and truth.

He indeed saw Bazz forging the same looking metal that he was currently holding, but he also learned its name and quality once he touched it.

His Analyzer ability immediately scanned the piece of metal, thus learning its name and quality wasn't a challenge at all.