Real Cultivator!

A brilliant golden light broke forth from Rubie's body while her body underwent abrupt and visible changes.

Her crimson body became bigger and more intimidating while her eyes turned from black to golden. Even her tail grew longer and even separated into 7 ends, each covered with a crimson substance that looked more like a crimson liquid than flames!

"Is this... Evolution?" Khal mumbled with a somewhat dazed voice and watched as Rubie became more and more different than she was previously.

After many minutes later, Rubie's evolution stopped completely after the golden light vanished, leaving her standing before Khal with a completely new appearance.

"SCREECH!!" with a glorious cry that was thunderous, Rubie leaped into the air and landed atop Khal's shoulder, now her stance on him way more majestic and confident than ever before!

It looked almost like that everything in her presence was nothing more but ants that couldn't catch her attention at all!