Shadow Claws

Khal stood frozen in one place like a statue, fearing that if he dared to move or did something unexpected, his life will be reaped in a wink!

The reason why, because the creature before him not only was a True Beast that reached the Sixth Stage, but even was one of the scariest entities a Cultivator could fight with on Moon Mountain.

Shadow Claws, a Beast that could kill their preys through their shadows! They say, Shadow Claws can injure others by simply attacking their shadows, and kill them that way! An extremely terrifying ability that is extremely hard to counter!

Or at least, for those that were not Khal, as they didn't have what he had to win this fight.

However, because rumors said that the Beast was terrifyingly fast, Khal had no choice but to stand still and wait to see what will happen. Even Rubie, who was confident in her speed and maneuvers in the air dared not to approach Khal and the Beast, as she feared she will die if she do it.