Inferno Steel

Inside a room which walls were filled with numerous carvings and small gaps, a young man was seen standing before a chunk of metal that shone as brightly as a sun.

His arm, which was clad in a material similar to black crystal, was constantly moving up and down, striking the piece of glowing steel with his hammer, resulting in not only the steel gleam brighter but also the temperature around it to rise beyond what should be called ordinary!


The sound of a metallic pitch, which was both sharp and loud, reverberated inside the room, while a powerful burst that broke forth from the metal almost sent the young man flying into the distance!

However, because of the lowered posture and the firm stance the young man took up since the start of his process, no matter how strong the bursts were, he remained in one place like an immovable mountain!

And thus, time went by like this for hours...