Want Him Alive!

Anred listened to the story from his subordinate with a stiff complexion, his thoughts obvious to both Edvin and the man who talked with a back now completely soaked with cold sweat.

"A-And this is all we know so far from the recordings... We already organized and sent several groups in the hope to find the Young Master, but it seems he left Moon City to who knows where. His current location is unknown."

Anred remained silent for an entire minute before the marble floor below his feet cracked and turned into small debris in no time at all!

"I don't care if it means to dig the whole Southern Continent up, I want my son back! As for that man, send the Shadows to find him and bring him back here!"

"Y-Yes my Lord!" the subordinate quickly turned around and ran out of the room, leaving alone the now angered Anred and the calm, but sharp-looking Edvin.