Magma Golem

"W-What should we do? Let the creature consume the Lava Fruit?" Liza asked Khal in a lowered voice.

Khal stared at the Magma Golem with narrowed eyes, seemingly pondering on what he should do.

Even though he was quite confident in his ability to kill this Magma Golem with a single strike thanks to his insane amount of Body Essence, with the man lurking around him all the time he has to be careful with each of his moves, especially the ones he used during his time killing Alde and his men.

Of course, this did not mean he was helpless as he had quite a few cards up in his sleeves, but he didn't really want to use them as that would only mean he would show his strength to his enemy.

However, considering that it was a Lava Fruit he was talking about, Khal could only sigh and say, "Stay behind, I will take care of it."