Light Pillar

Sparks flew all around the place with each of Khal's hammer strikes while the Dark Oak Iron underwent slow, but visible changes.

Its already small size gradually became smaller while its deep black color strangely turned whiter, especially the veins inside it that Khal continuously hit with powerful swings.



After an entire hour later, the first Essence Burst appeared from the forged iron, shaking a few tools on the walls, but this didn't even hinder Khal from continuing his forging.

No, instead it made his swinging motions even faster as both of his hands started to move twice as fast as before, causing his arms to turn into nothing but blurriness!

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes became hours. After four hours of straight forging, suddenly the piece of metal erupted with another Essence Burst, but this time a unique aura engulfed its snow-white surface, one that Khal was quite familiar with.