The Bracelet's Origin

"You mean, you know where this thing came from originally?" Khal asked Miss Mary with disbelief.

"Well, you can say that, yeah." Miss Mary smiled and continued, "Although we still have a lot of things to understand and discover, from the numerous records we have found throughout the years we got to learn that bracelet was once a powerful relic, a heaven-defying artifact called the Core Collector which was created by an ancient Sect known as the Skybreakers."

"The... Skybreakers?" Khal raised his brow as he has never heard about such a faction before.

"I know what you are thinking. How come you have never heard about them if they had such a powerful thing such as that bracelet, right? Well, the answer is rather simple. They were never cultivators of our Realm, that is why."

"What should that even mean?" Khal asked.