Floor Three Hundred

Time passed quickly and after a few hours of rest, the three proceeded to descend deeper into the dungeon, killing beasts and consuming their Essence.

Though, because all the creatures were on the Eighth Cultivation Stage and their numbers were not few, Baylie and Deva became exhausted quite fast thus they could do nothing but stop after almost every twentieth floor.

Because of this, the two felt rather embarrassed, especially Deva who was the strongest among the three. They didn't understand just how Khal was capable of fighting so many terrifying creatures without losing a tremendous amount of his strength.

'Just who exactly is he?' the two pondered to themselves while they sat in the middle of a desert and stared at Khal who gazed at the starry sky above them with a nonchalant look on his face.

'Hey, Nova... Can I ask you something?' Khal decided to kill his boredom by asking a question from Nova.

[What do you want to know?]