Going Home

Khal and the two on his side waited patiently atop the pillar in silence and just as the sun was about to vanish on the horizon a gentle breeze hit Khal's face and a figure emerged before them, floating in thin air.

"So? How did it go?" Madam Rose asked with a smile even though she has guessed the answer from Khal's expression.

"I successfully broke through," Khal said.

"I see, congratulations." Madam Rose congratulated Khal before she glanced at Deva and Baylie and said, "As for the two of you, great work. It must have been hard for you to fight non-stop."

"No, not at all! Although there were a few close calls where I thought we will die, everything went smoothly thanks to the Young Master!" Baylie said, making Deva on his side nod with agreement.